There are a lot of myths about acupuncture, a medical model that has been around for over 4000 years and used successfully to improve the health and well being of people around world.

As busy professionals taking care of ourselves is vitally important. Acupuncture can be a great way to do just that.

Don’t let the myths put you off, here is the sixth in a series of acupuncture myths that I hope will lead you down the path to discovering how acupuncture can ease many of your daily concerns.

Myth 6: Acupuncture has a lot of side effects and you’ll need time off work

Fact: Acupuncture has few to no side effects.

After your acupuncture session, you can carry on with your day without any restrictions. In fact you may be able to continue with your day more smoothly than if you hadn’t experienced acupuncture.

Some people may experience some soreness and tiredness after treatment but on the whole my experience is that many simply end up with a ‘really good night’s sleep’ and who doesn’t enjoy that!

Some people will go through what is known as a ‘healing crisis’ after treatment, this can show up as physical symptoms, perhaps nausea or head cold like, it is the release of toxins, the body’s way of rebalancing itself after treatment. If you do experience this you can continue with your day, you might just feel slightly at odds for a short while.

Remember acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely fine sterilised stainless steel needles into the body; there is nothing else involved so no drugs or chemicals are inserted into the body. It is a simple clean process.

Just remember that any minimal side effects are the body’s way of starting the process of healing and rebalancing itself after treatment.

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